About Us

The Saint-Pierre Parish is located in St-Pierre-Jolys, less than 30 minutes south of Winnipeg on Highway 59. The Village of St-Pierre-Jolys is growing and currently boasts a population of 1,100 residents. 
For more information, visit www.villagestpierrejolys.ca.

Excerpt from the book ‘Saint-Pierre-Jolys Manitoba Au Fil Du Temps 2015

‘Has the parish changed? Of course it has! The parish reflects people’s lives and life has changed a lot in the last 30, 40 years! For a long time, the community’s social life was structured by the religious life; people identified themselves according to the parish and religion greatly influenced their daily lives. A variety of social and sporting activities were organized by the parishioners with the priest’s support. The parish contributed to people’s social life, while keeping to its first goal, that of maintaining religious faith and fervor. In the 1960’s, a wind of change blew on our continent. A new culture of freedom of mind and individuality quickly spread. The parish as it was at the beginning of colonization gradually lost its importance and status. The Second Vatican Council revaluated the importance of the evangelical message and the love of a good and merciful God replaced the fear that controlled people’s actions.’ 

Today, the Saint-Pierre Parish is pursuing a Project of Renewal and Growth, thanks to parishioners who value its continued existence. It has changed and it must continue to do so in the spirit of being a Church of missionary outreach. It is important to bring the Good News to all members of the community in the hope of assisting them to attain spiritual maturity.